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EB-5 Visa Policy Changes: Impact on Indian Students Pursuing Education in the US

In order to offer new prospects to Indian students pursuing education in the United States, the USCIS has announced some reforms under the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022. This has majorly reshaped the EB5 Visa Program for the betterment of students in terms of minimum investment periods.

Changes in the Policy

Under the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022, the investors are now only asked to maintain their funds at risk for a mere two years starting when the funds are provided to the job-creating entity (JCE). Earlier in the EB5 reform act the investors had to sustain their investment throughout their conditional residence, which can be many years in the future and dependent on the factors outside the investor’s control such as visa availability. The shift in this policy is creating much easier access to Indian Investors by promoting a more streamlined process for the same. This shift in policy creates a more streamlined process for investors seeking a US Green Card.

Why EB-5 is an Ideal Choice for Indian Students

Nicholas A. Mastroianni III, President and CMO of US Immigration Fund (USIF), announced that the ‘reformed EB5 Program’ is particularly beneficial for Indian students who are seeking educational and career opportunities in the US by wishing to get a Green Card through the EB-5 programme.

Indian Students have been gaining access to top US universities with better admission rates and lower in-state tuition fees devoid of any taxes. The EB-5 visa offers a stable and permanent solution compared to other student or work visas. It not only facilitates access to high-quality education and career development but also provides a foundation for a long-term future in the United States, with the possibility of applying for US citizenship after five years of residence.The EB-5 Visa programme can provide Indian students with many advantages as they study in the US.

The first and most important benefit is that it provides a path to US residency for Indian students and their families, so that they can stay in the country without the uncertainty that comes with a student visa.Since the EB-5 Visa results in a green card, Indian students would have access to more public colleges and universities in the US, and in some cases, they may be eligible to receive in-state tuition, which would significantly reduce the cost of education.

In addition, it can offer more stability and flexibility. For example, it would free students from many of the restrictions that other visa categories face. For example, they would no longer have to carry out a full-time course load and would not have to worry about working outside of school hours. This would give students more freedom to do internships, work in a co-op, or work part-time that could improve their practical experience.


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